The Firearms Buyback Program is 99.99999% virtue signaling and 0.00001% safety assurance. The progress in implementation is emblematic of state efficiency but given the goals and motivations of the Jacobins and Bolsheviks involved we should be thankful of their near stasis level of accomplishment. Unlimited government, if efficient, is the very definition of dystopia.
As one of 2.2 Million licenced firearms owners I won't begin to feel 'safe' until after the next election.
The Firearms Buyback Program is 99.99999% virtue signaling and 0.00001% safety assurance. The progress in implementation is emblematic of state efficiency but given the goals and motivations of the Jacobins and Bolsheviks involved we should be thankful of their near stasis level of accomplishment. Unlimited government, if efficient, is the very definition of dystopia.
How to become a consultant??!!