Thank you for doing all this work to show how deeply the rot of DEI is spreading in professional associations in Canada. This should send shivers down the back of any person who wishes to live in a sane society.

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Feb 2Liked by David Clinton

All professional associations in Canada are already corrupted by their relationship with the (increasingly leviathan) state that grants them monopoly right to practice legislation. Their boards have government appointees and their staff are generally onboard with all the other institutions captured by cultural Marxism that now dominate the humanities faculties and wider culture. Their interest in maintaining their monopoly exceeds their interest in professionalism. One need only go back a couple of years to see the ease with which some of these professions canceled and ejected otherwise competent members questioning state directed political (not science-based) mandates within fully state-compliant and corrupted associations. We don't have professions offering objective standards of practice to willing buyers, we have guild socialism.

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